About Us
Welcome To Aarambh!

Toddler Program Overview

Comprehensive Development

Skill Development

Preparation for Montessori Education

Rich Environment

Practical Life Skills
Fostering independence and self-reliance through hands-on activities that empower children to effectively navigate their environment.

Language Development
Immersive experiences in English language acquisition, including phonetic sounds, vocabulary enrichment, and early reading and writing skills. Hindi is introduced as a second language.

Sensorial Activities
Engaging the senses through scientifically designed activities to enhance sensory exploration, laying the groundwork for intelligence and pre-math skills.

Concrete introduction to arithmetic concepts through tactile learning experiences, fostering a natural affinity for numbers and gradual progression towards abstraction.
Extended Child Care

Fun-filled Environment
We offer a fun-filled and peaceful atmosphere that aligns with Montessori principles, ensuring your child's developmental needs are met.

Stimulating Activities
Our program includes activities tailored to stimulate and engage your child's development, serving as an extension of their classroom experience.

Outdoor Play Area
Children have access to an outdoor play area where they can freely engage in play under attentive adult supervision.

Nutritious Meals
We provide hot, nutritious meals and evening snacks, accompanied by safe drinking water, to ensure your child's well-being.
Who Was Dr. Maria Montessori?

Planes of Development

Birth to Age 6 (Infancy/Early Childhood)
Focuses on the formation of the individual, with an emphasis on sensorial exploration, language development, and independence.

Ages 6 to 12 (Childhood)
Centers on the development of the individual, with a focus on intellectual growth, social interaction, and moral development.

Ages 12 to 18 (Adolescence)
Marks the transition into adulthood, with an emphasis on social/emotional independence, identity formation, and moral responsibility.

Ages 18 to 24 (Early Adulthood)
: Focuses on economic independence and career preparation, as individuals transition into adulthood and contribute to society.